Introduction American Cuisine is one of the most diverse in the world. It’s influenced by the many cultures that make up our country, and it borrows ingredients from everywhere from Mexico to China. The result? A melting pot of international cuisine! In this guide, I’ll take you on a journey […]

Introduction Australia is known for its beautiful beaches, wildlife, and unique culture. However, a lot of people don’t realize that Australia has a lot to offer in terms of art. Here’s a look at some of the best places to see art in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane: Sydney Opera House […]

Introduction Art lovers, your next trip should be an art trip! It doesn’t matter what kind of art you like or where in the world you want to go: whether it’s classical European paintings or modern American sculpture, there are museums and galleries everywhere. I often find myself planning my […]

Introduction The Australian coastline is dotted with some of the world’s most beautiful lighthouses. But did you know they’re also a remnant of our colonial past? We’ve got some great stories about these iconic structures, which are an important part of Australia’s maritime history. These days, they’re used more as […]

Introduction Whether you’re touring the White House or just visiting your favorite park in the city, there’s nothing like seeing a landmark for the first time. From the moment you see it on your map to when you finally reach it, there’s an excitement that comes from knowing that this […]